On failure (and showing up)This article is the result of a failure. I put myself out there with some of my work, and got rejected. And then I shared it on twitter*…Mar 20, 20221Mar 20, 20221
Binary thinking and its discontentsComplexity riles and rattles us. There is a lot on, right now, were we to actually look. Bit much maybe. So we try and tame it by shoving…Dec 10, 2021Dec 10, 2021
Being a helpful friend in times of crisisA lot of people had and are having a very difficult time right now. Often, only few folks know what’s really going on. It’s difficult to…May 1, 2021May 1, 2021
Published inSystemsbeingBeing online.On making shared meaning and some pointers for leadershipOct 28, 2020Oct 28, 2020
Published inJournal of Beautiful BusinessA DIY Approach to MiraclesGaining fluidity through solution-focused practiceAug 14, 2020Aug 14, 2020
Published inSystemsbeingEmbodiment, facilitation and holding a space in gallery viewWe are all “zoom-bies” right now, in how we show up with others. Under lockdown, most of our lives plays out via various online platforms…Apr 13, 2020Apr 13, 2020
How to unblock either-or thinkingI support people on making big change decisions, and I also had a few chances for gender diversity conversations recently, and they have —…Dec 8, 2019Dec 8, 2019
Peace is a verbReposting a twitter thread from 2018 for remembrance day. Still holds true. @ChristineLocherNov 10, 2019Nov 10, 2019
Show me the money (meet the values)First of all, nothing wrong with listing money as a value (you might, of course, call it “affluence” or “prosperity” or something slightly…Mar 13, 2019Mar 13, 2019